Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Hey everyone. Our appointment today (2/5/08) went well. Kaden's head grew .5 cm last week. It now is averaging 40.5 weeks. His little body measure a perfect 32 weeks and he weighs almost 5 pounds, though the doctor says about 1.5 pounds of that is extra fluid on his head. If we make it to the 15th he will be 34 weeks and a normal baby at that point is about 4 pounds. We had a little scare over the weekend with me so I am supposed to take it easy. My utereus measures 37 weeks and his head measures full term, so my body naturally could think it is time to have a baby. We are still hopeful that we can make it to February 15th for the scheduled c-section. If we can get his body to 34 weeks he has a much better chance of survival. Also babies born sooner than that have a higher risk of brain bleeds and cerebral palsey, which we really have no desire to add to our list of things. So our prayer is that the baby will wait until 34 weeks and we can make this as least stressful as possible, since it is already going to be a crazy day. The c-section is scheduled for 7:30 am, so hopefully we will be able to get something posted by that evening. Thanks again for all of your prayers and fasting in our behalf. We are touched daily by the spirit we feel from so many who love us. We are not sure if we are going to the doctor next week, as I have an appointment scheduled for Tuesday, but the doctor said even if his head is measuring 43 weeks on that day, they still would wait until Friday for the delivery. If we go we'll let you know how everything goes.

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